Registration for Teaching Quality Week |  31 March – 4 April 2025

Below is a list of all events for the Teaching Quality Week, which you can browse by specific days and the filters selected below. We invite you to sign up for events tailored to your target group. Some events are available without registration – you can find this information in their descriptions.

The shortened programme of the event is available on the website (in Polish only)
News, instructions, and organizational details are available at

Event type:
Event Format:
Target group:
Monday, 31.03

Monday, 31.03
godz. 09:00 – 11:00
Debata rektorska: Uczelnia zaangażowana. Rozwój i jakość kształcenia w dialogu z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym  

open seminary    onlineYouTube

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students; administrative staff; research/teaching staff; postgraduate students; graduates

Host: dr hab. Radosław Rybkowski, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Monday, 31.03
godz. 14:00 – 16:00
Debata studencko-doktorancka: Ucz się i pracuj? Doświadczenia i perspektywy zawodowe osób kształcących się na UJ   ​

debate    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; graduates
Seats left: 265/300

Host: mgr Kala Dobosz, Ryszard Nocula

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 08:00 – 09:30
Magisterskie prace wdrożeniowe jako dialog z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students
Seats left: 273/300

Host: dr Łukasz Hajduk

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 09:00 – 11:00
Podstawowe zasady udzielania pierwszej pomocy przedmedycznej

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 0/80

Host: mgr Karolina Karwat

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 09:00 – 13:00
Warsztaty metodą LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® „Którędy po współpracę?”

workshop    on-siteGronostajowa 7, sala 1.19

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; postgraduate students; other
Seats left: 0/8

Host: mgr Katarzyna Rotter-Jarzębińska

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 10:00 – 10:45
PBL - Project Based Learning, czyli uczenie przy pomocy projektów w dydaktyce

training    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 0/25

Host: mgr Irena Szpuler-Dirak

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:00
Świnia w służbie nauki: warsztaty z wykorzystania modelu w badaniach biomedycznych i transferze wiedzy do gospodarki

workshop    on-siteGronostajowa 9, sala 1.102

Language: Polish
Target groups: doctoral students; students
Seats left: 8/15

Host: dr Patrycja Kurowska; mgr Natalia Respekta-Długosz; Karolina Pich

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:30
Wpływ pomocy psychologicznej na kształtowanie się odporności psychicznej u osób studiujących na podstawie działalności ośrodka SOWA UJ

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; students
Seats left: 12/60

Host: mgr Jagna Kazienko

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:30
Biura Karier i otoczenie społeczno-gospodarcze – teraźniejszość i przyszłość

debate    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff
Seats left: 167/200

Host: dr Piotr Rapciak

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 10:00 – 12:00
Etnografia zastosowana. O potencjałach i wyzwaniach we współpracy międzysektorowej

workshop    on-siteGołębia 9, sala 315

Language: Polish
Target groups: students
Seats left: 13/20

Host: dr Aleksandra Krupa-Ławrynowicz; dr Alicja Piotrowska

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 10:00 – 12:00
Komunikacja wideo – dydaktyka, popularyzacja, spotkania na żywo

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; administrative staff; other
Seats left: 250/300

Host: mgr Andrzej Filip; mgr Dominik Zwiech

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 10:00 – 12:00
Komunikacja wideo – dydaktyka, popularyzacja, spotkania na żywo

presentation    on-siteIngardena 6, sala 1.10

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; administrative staff; other
Seats left: 9/20

Host: mgr Andrzej Filip; mgr Dominik Zwiech

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 11:30 – 12:30
Gdy nowe miejsce to wyzwanie - pomoże Ci przedprzewodnik. O tym, jak dobrze przygotowany przedprzewodnik ułatwia wizytę w danym miejscu i nie tylko

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 3/30

Host: mgr Ewelina Marć

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 11:30 – 13:45
Jak nie drzwiami, to oknem – sposoby pracy dydaktycznej ze studentami nauk społecznych

workshop    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students
Seats left: 9/20

Host: dr Patrycja Siemiginowska

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 12:00 – 12:50
Twoje umiejętności są ważne! Konsultacje z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; administrative staff
Seats left: 166/200

Host: prof. dr hab. Marcin Czarnołęski; dr Przemysław Ryszka; dr hab. Dominika Włoch-Salamon, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 12:00 – 13:00
Prezentacja dorocznego ogólnopolskiego sympozjum naukowo-wdrożeniowego OBLICZA TRANSFERU

presentation    on-siteŁojasiewicza 4, sala 0.313

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 85/90

Host: dr Paloma Korycińska

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 12:00 – 13:30
Innowacje tu i teraz! Doświadczenia z realizacji trzech edycji semestralnych hackathonów #SDG w ramach Przestrzeni Kreatywnej Współpracy

meeting    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff
Seats left: 86/100

Host: dr hab. Mateusz Lewandowski, prof. UJ; dr Paweł Ścigaj; mgr Kinga Guzik

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 12:00 – 13:30
Zastosowanie peptydów biomimetycznych w kosmetykach odmładzających

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; research/teaching staff
Seats left: 72/100

Host: dr hab. Anna Waszkielewicz

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 12:00 – 14:30
Personal forecasting jako metoda planowania swojej ścieżki naukowej/zawodowej - warsztaty dla studentów i doktorantów

workshop    on-siteIngardena 6, sala 0.29

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 0/20

Host: mgr Arkadiusz Klej

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 13:00 – 14:00
Działalność w Studenckim Towarzystwie Ekonomicznym UJ a kompetencje na rynku pracy

game    on-siteŁojasiewicza 4, sala 0.305

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students; other
Seats left: 38/40

Host: dr Alicja Szyszko i członkowie Studenckiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego UJ: Anhelina Fedarovich; Wiktoria Lupa; Natalia Gocko

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 13:00 – 14:30
Turystyka a życie miast historycznych. O projekcie „SCT HUB – Codesign the Future of Sustainable Cultural Tourism”

meeting    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; administrative staff; postgraduate students; students; doctoral students
Seats left: 284/300

Host: dr hab. Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska, prof. UJ wraz z zespołem projektowym

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 13:15 – 14:45
Popularyzacja nauki w Instytucie Historii. Przykłady, doświadczenia i refleksje

meeting    on-siteGołębia 13, sala 111

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students

Host: dr Aleksandra Arkusz

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 14:00 – 15:30
„Urodziny Hugona” – Debata Kołłątajowska

debate    on-siteśw. Anny 6 (Biblioteka IEiAK - w Przewiązce), sala 13

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; postgraduate students

Host: dr hab. Anna Niedźwiedź, prof. UJ; dr Łukasz Sochacki

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 15:00 – 16:00
Wiedza o składni jako podstawa skutecznej komunikacji

lecture    on-siteGołębia 18, sala 42

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; postgraduate students; administrative staff
Seats left: 85/100

Host: dr Ilona Kulak

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 15:00 – 16:00
Wiedza o składni jako podstawa skutecznej komunikacji

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; postgraduate students; administrative staff
Seats left: 25/100

Host: dr Ilona Kulak

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 15:00 – 16:30
Uczelnia puka do drzwi urzędnika – praktyczne aspekty współpracy uczelni z administracją publiczną przy pozyskiwaniu danych do pracy naukowej

workshop    on-siteKrupnicza 33a, sala Zielona

Language: Polish
Target groups: postgraduate students; doctoral students; students; research/teaching staff
Seats left: 26/30

Host: dr Paweł Czarnecki

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 15:00 – 16:30
Uczelnia puka do drzwi urzędnika – praktyczne aspekty współpracy uczelni z administracją publiczną przy pozyskiwaniu danych do pracy naukowej

workshop    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; postgraduate students; doctoral students
Seats left: 92/100

Host: dr Paweł Czarnecki

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 16:00 – 17:00
Interaktywne warsztaty naukowe jako środek popularyzacji nauki

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; research/teaching staff; doctoral students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 54/100

Host: Adam Kozik; Daniel Jankowski; Maksym Patena; mgr Monika Pinkas; dr Małgorzata Lasota

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 16:45 – 18:15
Praktyka na studiach – hit czy kit? W poszukiwaniu idealnego modelu praktyk w uczelni wyższej

debate    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; other
Seats left: 274/300

Host: dr Paweł Czarnecki

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Tuesday, 01.04
godz. 16:45 – 18:15
Praktyka na studiach – hit czy kit? W poszukiwaniu idealnego modelu praktyk w uczelni wyższej

debate    on-siteKrupnicza 33a, sala Zielona

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; other
Seats left: 21/30

Host: dr Paweł Czarnecki

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 09:00 – 10:30
Let’s Talk! Jak dogadać się z wykładowcą w prostych krokach

workshop    on-siteŁojasiewicza 4, sala 3.322

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; research/teaching staff; doctoral students
Seats left: 8/16

Host: dr Wioleta J. Karna

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 09:00 – 10:30
Technologia VR w praktycznym przygotowaniu studentów. Projekt „Symulacja rozmowy nauczyciela z rodzicem ucznia w wirtualnej rzeczywistości”

presentation    on-siteWiślna 3, sala 3

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 0/12

Host: dr Krzysztof Piotrowski

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 09:00 – 11:00
GrywalizUJ – warsztaty grywalizacji w dydaktyce akademickiej

workshop    on-siteGronostajowa 7, sala 1.01.13

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff
Seats left: 14/24

Host: dr inż. Krystian Mokrzyński

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 09:00 – 11:00
GrywalizUJ – warsztaty grywalizacji w dydaktyce akademickiej

workshop    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff
Seats left: 0/36

Host: dr inż. Krystian Mokrzyński

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 09:45 – 11:15
Jak „zielone kołnierzyki” współpracują z branżami gospodarki i czy w ogóle opłaca się „być zielonym”?

workshop    on-siteReymonta 4, sala 039

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; research/teaching staff
Seats left: 36/40

Host: dr hab. Brygida Kuźniak, prof. UJ; dr Edyta Chwiej; dr Radosław Gajda; dr Michał Pałasz; mgr Katarzyna Matura

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:00
Rozgrywki z wieszczem i noblistą

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; students

Host: dr hab. Tomasz Z. Majkowski, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:00
Rozgrywki z wieszczem i noblistą

presentation    on-siteGołębia 16 (wejście przez Gołębią 18), sala 42

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; students

Host: dr hab. Tomasz Z. Majkowski, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:00
Skuteczna komunikacja z osobami o różnorodnych potrzebach

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 0/30

Host: mgr Marta Bylica

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:30
Future UniLab – innowacyjne spojrzenia na uniwersytety przyszłości

workshop    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 262/300

Host: mgr Julianna Karaszkiewicz-Kobierzyńska; mgr Małgorzata Wokal; Natalia Szymańska

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:45
Wsparcie edukacyjne studentów z zaburzeniami psychicznymi na uczelniach wyższych – wyzwania i dobre praktyki

meeting    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 0/30

Host: mgr Anna Kwaśniewska

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 10:00 – 12:00
Jak wykorzystać owady do badania chorób układu nerwowego

workshop    on-siteGronostajowa 9, sala 2.75

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 0/8

Host: dr hab. Milena Damulewicz

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 10:00 – 15:00
Projektowanie Gier terapeutycznych w Logopedii (oraz innych procesach terapeutycznych)

workshop    on-siteIngardena 6, sala 1.10

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; research/teaching staff; doctoral students
Seats left: 6/30

Host: mgr Arkadiusz Klej; Aleksandra Kocik

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 11:00 – 12:00
Akademicki dialog z przyszłością, czyli jak kształtować kompetencje liderów jutra?

meeting    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff
Seats left: 163/200

Host: dr Anna Sochocka; dr Katarzyna Grzesiak-Kopeć

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 11:00 – 12:30
Debata międzyuczelniana: Uczelnia w otoczeniu społecznym

debate    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; graduates
Seats left: 266/300

Host: prof. dr hab. Bartosz Brożek

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 11:00 – 12:30
Praca dla turkologa – tłumaczenie przysięgłe

meeting    on-siteMickiewicza 9, sala 501B

Language: Polish
Target groups: students
Seats left: 0/30

Host: dr hab. Marzanna Pomorska, dr Barbara Podolak

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 11:30 – 12:30
Współpraca z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym na kierunkach humanistycznych: case study

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: administrative staff; doctoral students; research/teaching staff
Seats left: 85/100

Host: dr Jakub Czernik

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 12:00 – 13:30
Jak popularyzować, czyli sztuka mówienia o nauce

meeting    on-siteGronostajowa 7, sala 1.01.13

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students
Seats left: 32/60

Host: dr Paweł Jedynak

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 12:00 – 13:30
Projektowanie uniwersalne - narzędzie budowania dostępności w uczelni

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; administrative staff
Seats left: 14/30

Host: mgr Małgorzata Perdeus-Białek

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 12:00 – 13:30
Archeologia w kontekście społeczno-gospodarczym i ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego. Doświadczenia, perspektywy i współczesne wyzwania

debate    on-siteJagiellońska 15, sala im. M. Bobrzyńskiego  

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students; postgraduate students

Host: mgr Agata Sztyber; dr inż. Michał Wasilewski; dr hab. Radosław Palonka, prof. UJ; dr hab. Marcin Przybyła, prof. UJ; dr Michał Wojenka; dr Przemysław Nocuń

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 12:30 – 13:15
Praktyczne znaczenie kompleksowego zaangażowania kadry dydaktycznej dla doskonalenia kompetencji społecznych osób studiujących

meeting    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students
Seats left: 267/300

Host: prof. dr hab. med. Agata Ptak-Belowska

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 14:00 – 15:00
Mikropoświadczenia na UJ – zasady i wytyczne. Przewodnik dla przyszłych koordynatorów

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; administrative staff
Seats left: 6/50

Host: mgr Wojciech Wyżykowski

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 14:00 – 18:00
Warsztat AIP UJ: Prowadź własną firmę z sukcesem - innowacyjne warsztaty oparte na nowatorskiej grze biznesowej

workshop    on-siteGronostajowa 2, sala PKW A0-24

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 4/15

Host: dr hab. Mateusz Lewandowski, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 15:00 – 16:00
Kształcenie na potrzeby otoczenia społeczno-gospodarczego. Perspektywy dla studentów Wydziału Farmaceutycznego

debate    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students; research/teaching staff

Host: dr hab. Witold Jamróz; dr hab. Urszula Hubicka

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 15:00 – 16:30
Raport z nowego modelu egzaminu, uwzględniającego wiedzę zdobytą z wykorzystaniem czatu GPT

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 223/300

Host: dr hab. Wojciech Baluch, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 15:00 – 16:30
Raport z nowego modelu egzaminu, uwzględniającego wiedzę zdobytą z wykorzystaniem czatu GPT

presentation    on-siteGołębia 16 (wejście przez Gołębią 18), sala 42

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 37/45

Host: dr hab. Wojciech Baluch, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 17:00 – 18:00
Lekcja anatomii w mieszanej rzeczywistości

workshop    on-siteKopernika 7E, lab 3D

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 0/5

Host: Robert Żuk

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 17:00 – 18:00
Mame-loszn dziś: jidysz w codziennym użytku

lecture    on-siteJózefa 19, sala 16

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 32/40

Host: Barbara Zając; Martyna Gabor

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 17:00 – 18:00
Potęga języka. Poznaj zalety wielojęzyczności

meeting    onlineYouTube i Facebook

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; other

Host: prof. dr hab. Zofia Wodniecka; mgr Maria Bolek; red. Sylwia Paszkowska

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 17:00 – 18:30
The sky's the limit! Interdyscyplinarne kariery judaistów

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 92/100

Host: dr Edyta Gawron

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 17:00 – 19:30
Przygotowanie gier terenowych na platformie Action Track. Jak przez mobilne gry terenowe nawiązać współpracę z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym

workshop    on-siteIngardena 6, sala 1.09

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students
Seats left: 7/15

Host: dr Łukasz Hajduk

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 18:00 – 19:30
Wydziałowa debata nt. jakości kształcenia (organizowana przez Samorząd Studentów WP UJ)

debate    on-siteGołębia 18, sala 42

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff

Host: Maja Cybulska

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 18:30 – 19:45
Społeczeństwo źródłem wiedzy naukowej i nauka użyteczna społecznie (na przykładzie bio-psycho-społecznych badań osób przyjmujących substancje psychodeliczne)

meeting    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; doctoral students
Seats left: 284/300

Host: dr n. med. Grzegorz Kazek; Maja Wójcik

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Wednesday, 02.04
godz. 18:30 – 19:45
Społeczeństwo źródłem wiedzy naukowej i nauka użyteczna społecznie (na przykładzie bio-psycho-społecznych badań osób przyjmujących substancje psychodeliczne)

meeting    on-siteIngardena 6, sala 0.01

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; doctoral students
Seats left: 42/50

Host: dr n. med. Grzegorz Kazek; Maja Wójcik

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 09:00 – 10:30
Wycieczka do Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN w Krakowie

tour    on-siteSławkowska 17, sala 3

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; doctoral students
Seats left: 0/15

Host: dr Agnieszka Fluda-Krokos i pracownicy Biblioteki

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 09:00 – 10:30
Współpraca z osobami studiującymi w kryzysie psychicznym

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; administrative staff
Seats left: 203/300

Host: mgr Marta Kubisiak; mgr Emilia Latała-Cudecka

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 09:00 – 10:30
Zasady ergonomii pracy z komputerem

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 33/80

Host: mgr Karolina Karwat

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 09:00 – 10:30
Spotkanie dla koordynatorów praktyk

meeting    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 271/300

Host: dr hab. Dariusz Latowski

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 09:00 – 11:15
Cyfrowe obserwacje mikroświata

workshop    on-siteGronostajowa 9, sala 0.68

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 4/12

Host: dr hab. Grzegorz Tylko, prof. UJ; Marcin Szeligiewicz

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 09:30 – 14:30
Myślenie systemowe w doskonaleniu organizacji. Soft System Methodology

workshop    on-siteŁojasiewicza 4, sala PKW 0.329

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 10/20

Host: dr hab. Justyna Maciąg, prof. UJ; mgr Lubomir Słowik

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 09:45 – 11:15
Korzyści płynące ze zrównoważonej mobilności akademickiej

meeting    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; administrative staff; students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 986/1000

Host: dr Michał Pałasz

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:30
Budowanie przestrzeni dla rozwoju edukacji w UJ: Jak projekty strategiczne Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego wspierają transformację edukacji i integrację z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; other
Seats left: 465/500

Host: mgr Anna Kostrubała-Brak; dr Mariusz Trojak; dr hab. Anna Sajdak-Burska, prof. UJ; dr hab. Sebastian Kołodziejczyk, prof. UJ; dr hab. Brygida Kuźniak, prof. UJ; dr hab. Jacek Nowak, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 10:00 – 12:00
Czy więzienie jest miejscem dla dzieci?

presentation    on-siteBatorego 12, sala witrażowa

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students; postgraduate students; research/teaching staff; other
Seats left: 12/30

Host: dr hab. Małgorzata Michel, prof. UJ; Aleksandra Brzoza; Michalina Grodecka; Kamila Chmielarska; Ewelina Startek

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 10:00 – 12:00
Kształcenie osób neuroAtypowych – w kierunku inkluzywnej edukacji

training    on-siteIngardena 6, sala 2.04

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; postgraduate students; administrative staff
Seats left: 0/15

Host: Katarzyna Sterecka

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 11:00 – 12:30
Wycieczka do Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN w Krakowie

tour    on-siteSławkowska 17, sala 3

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 0/15

Host: dr Agnieszka Fluda-Krokos i pracownicy Biblioteki

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 12:00 – 12:30
Wpływ współpracy pogotowia ratunkowego ze środowiskiem akademickim na jakość edukacji opartej o symulację medyczną – doświadczenia East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trus

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 83/100

Host: Kacper Sumera PhD; dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Andrzej Kopta

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 13:00 – 15:00
Panel absolwentów i pracodawców: Absolwent na lokalnym i międzynarodowym rynku pracy. Czy uczelnie kształcą kompetencje przyszłości? 

debate    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; graduates
Seats left: 252/300

Host: dr Paulina Hojda; mgr Mateusz Kopaczyński

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 14:00 – 16:00
Zagraj o korytarz, czyli jak nie zanudzić, ucząc o roli planowania przestrzennego

workshop    on-siteGronostajowa 9, sala 1.14

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 15/20

Host: dr Lucyna Paul; mgr Paweł Ciaptacz

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 16:00 – 18:00
Badania kliniczne – kształcenie i kariera

meeting    on-siteMedyczna 9, sala wykładowa A

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students
Seats left: 56/90

Host: dr hab. Barbara Wiśniowska, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 17:00 – 18:30
Współczesny hebrajski na rynku pracy w Polsce

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 35/40

Host: dr hab. Maciej Tomal, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 17:00 – 19:30
Best JU Presentation

contest    on-siteGołębia 24, sala 30

Language: English
Target groups: students
Seats left: 33/45

Host: mgr Dominika Stopa

Event description:

Best JU Presentation is a competition in the field of academic communication. It is dedicated to students who are welcome to give a short presentation in English on a topic related to their field of study. We hope they will share their passion and impress us with their language skills. The top three participants will receive special prizes, and the winner will earn the prestigious title of Best JU Speaker 2025.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 17:00 – 18:30
Metody wspierania neuroatypowych studentów i pracowników w środowisku akademickim

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff
Seats left: 208/300

Host: Paulina Kaczmarczyk

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 18:00 – 19:30
Kształcenie humanistyczne – a świat poza Gołębnikiem. O współpracy ze środowiskiem

debate    on-siteGołębia 18, sala 42

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff
Seats left: 33/40

Host: dr hab. Małgorzata Sokalska, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Thursday, 03.04
godz. 18:00 – 19:30
Kształcenie humanistyczne – a świat poza Gołębnikiem. O współpracy ze środowiskiem

debate    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff
Seats left: 279/300

Host: dr hab. Małgorzata Sokalska, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04

Friday, 04.04
godz. 09:00 – 10:30
Podstawowe zasady bhp w laboratoriach chemicznych

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; students; administrative staff; other
Seats left: 47/80

Host: mgr Karolina Karwat

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 09:00 – 11:00
Dostępność architektoniczna katalizatorem zmiany społecznej

tour    on-siteMickiewicza 9a, sala 412

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students; administrative staff; research/teaching staff
Seats left: 12/15

Host: mgr Katarzyna Duraj-Per

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 09:30 – 11:00
Antropologia biologiczna – jak kształcić w zawodzie, którego nie ma?

lecture    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 92/100

Host: dr hab. Iwona Wronka, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:30
Dyplom na zamówienie? Jak współpracować z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym nad rozwiązywaniem praktycznych problemów

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; administrative staff; students; other
Seats left: 268/300

Host: dr inż. Gabriela Konopka-Cupiał; dr Kamilla Noworól

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 10:00 – 11:45
Organizacja dostępnych wydarzeń - na co zwracać uwagę?

workshop    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students
Seats left: 0/35

Host: mgr Katarzyna Gajkowska-Ciuk

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 10:30 – 11:30
StartUJ w szeroki świat

presentation    on-siteGronostajowa 7, sala 1.01.13

Language: Polish
Target groups: students

Host: dr hab. Ibeth Guevara-Lora; dr Ewa Kowalska; dr Dorota Satała

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 10:30 – 11:30
StartUJ w szeroki świat

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: students

Host: dr hab. Ibeth Guevara-Lora; dr Ewa Kowalska; dr Dorota Satała

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 11:00 – 12:30
Debata o dobrych praktykach: Współpraca z otoczeniem ukierunkowana na kształcenie. Rekomendacje PKA i nasze dobre praktyki 

debate    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff; postgraduate students; graduates
Seats left: 240/300

Host: dr hab. Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia, prof. UJ

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 11:00 – 12:30
Inkluzywne konferencje naukowe – osoby badające z doświadczeniem niepełnosprawności

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students; postgraduate students
Seats left: 185/200

Host: dr Alicja Wang

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 11:30 – 13:00
Warsztaty antropologiczne – zapisane w kościach

workshop    on-siteGronostajowa 9, sala 078

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; students; doctoral students; administrative staff
Seats left: 0/15

Host: dr hab. Iwona Wronka, prof. UJ; dr Beata Cienkosz-Stepańczak

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 12:00 – 13:15
Nauczanie problemowe (Problem Based Learning) oraz skoncentrowane na studencie (Student Centred Learning) na przykładzie programu logopedii na Wydziale Polonistyki

presentation    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; doctoral students
Seats left: 3/30

Host: dr Rafał Młyński

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 12:00 – 13:30
Asysta dydaktyczna na UJ jako forma wsparcia osób studenckich ze szczególnymi potrzebami w procesie studiowania – webinar z Centrum Dostępności UJ

meeting    onlineMS Teams

Language: Polish
Target groups: students; doctoral students
Seats left: 283/300

Host: mgr Katarzyna Gucwa; mgr Justyna Malesa; mgr Anna Gregorczyk; Aleksandra Paterek

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 13:30 – 15:00
Inkluzja osób marginalizowanych w instytucjach naukowych. Dobre praktyki sojusznicze

training    on-siteReymonta 4, sala 207

Language: Polish
Target groups: research/teaching staff; administrative staff
Seats left: 11/20

Host: Iga Kierczak (ono/jeno); Nikodem Łuczak (on/jego)

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.

Friday, 04.04
godz. 16:00 – 17:30
Jak psuć dzieci Platonem i Boecjuszem? Prezentacja programu szkolnego dla szkół podstawowych „Filozofia klasyczna dla dzieci”

presentation    on-siteGrodzka 52, sala 25

Language: Polish
Target groups: postgraduate students; students; doctoral students; other

Host: dr Jadwiga Guerrero van der Meijden

Event description:

Event available in Polish only.
For event's original description, feel free to change the language version to Polish.